Saturday, July 18, 2009

Like old friends, let's catch up.

I've been a bit busy lately. Monday, I went to pick up my best friend, Becca, to spend a week with me and we've been having tons of fun. We went to see a movie, went to a concert, went "ghost hunting", and did quite a bit of catching up and "girl talk"ing. I'd forgotten how much I love talking to her about whatever comes to mind. One of us usually cries, but it's never for long and it's never an embarrassing incident. Below I have some things I've been thinking about an pictures I've taken, though the above photo Becca took and edited.

Last night, Becca and I went to an awesome concert. The headlining band was Switchfoot, but the band I went to see was Superchick. They are a truly amazing band and so very inspiring. One of their songs I find inspiring is "We Live". The second verse in the song is my favoite. It's talking about a man who has cancer and is waiting for some tests and it says "And now he asks, Why did I wait to live till it was time to die." I find that truly inspiring because I often find myself not doing things I'd like to do and that line makes me remember that this may be my last chance to do what I want. Their other songs I find inpiring are more girl power songs like "One Girl Revolution" and "So Beautiful". The lyrics to the last I mentioned are below. They're truly amainzly inspiring.

Superchick widget by 6L & Daxii
Now anyone to knows me knows I love almost all fantasy things. I read and adored the Twilight books, The Gemma Doyle Series, The Faythe Sanders Series, and many other books on the topic of magic, vampires, werewolves/werecats, valkyries, or furies, to name a few. As odd as it would seem, with those reading intrests, I never got into Harry Potter, at least not untill last Wednesday. Becca has always loved and read everyone of the Harry Potter books and wanted me to go see the new movie with her, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I hadn't seen, or atleast couldn't remember the first 5 movies, so we rented them and watched them all. After that I went out and bought my first Harry Potter shirt and we went to the midnight Premiere. I have been infected with Hogwarts. Now I'm going to buy and read books 5-7. I hated the first 4 movies and I understand them enough to skip the books, thankfully. Now I have to say, the 6th movie is the best of them all. If you've never had intrest and havn't seen any of them, suffer through the first 4, you will enjoy the 5th and you will be ecstatic over the 6th. I recommend it to everyone!

The above photo covers the next two topics. One of which is just a pat on my own back, the other is something I suggest for any Princess. First, I'd like to say "Way to go me!" I successfully rolled croissants. This sounds strange and may seem like nothing, but for me and my unartistic self, it's a major accomplishment. Now on to something a bit more interesting. Everyday, when possible of course, I had a "tea time." I make toast, biscuts, croissants, or something to that effect and have a nice cup of tea. I eat the toast with butter and preserves and always have my tea hot. During my tea time I turn on some nice music or get a nice book, close the computer and tell everyone on AIM that I'll be back later, turn off the tv, and sit in a comfortable chair snacking and sipping my tea. Sometimes it'll be an hour long, sometimes it's only long enough to drink one cup of tea, but nonetheless, I do it everyday if I can. It gives me a chance to sit and think. It's always good to have time to relax. I recommend something like this to every girl out there. I know some of you are thinking, "I don't like tea" or something like this. I don't mean everyone needs to drink tea and eat toast, but everyone needs a little time each day to relax. You might rather take a walk or listen to a favorite CD. Maybe you'll read or take a nap. It's up to you, but I suggest to set aside a time for just you doing whatever you enjoy doing to relax everyday. It'll cut out the stress of the life of a Princess and it'll simply make you feel better.

I'm about to just have an excited spurt here, feel free to skip it. Today I got a letter from "People to People Student Ambassador Programs." The letter said that I have been invited to study abroad in England, France, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, and the Netherlands! I'm so very excited about it! This will be such an amazing experience, if only I can find a way to afford it. My mother told me if I show that I'm willing to work for it, she will do whatever it takes to get me the money to go. So I'll be getting a job sometime soon so I can start saving. I'm also going to go visit my grandfather, whom I don't get along with well, to try to get him to volunteer to help me out with the expences. We'll just say he's well-to-do. Along with all of that, I also have to get around to getting my drivers license so I can get to and from work and school. It'll take a lot of work, but the once-in-a-lifetime experience will so be worth it!

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